It is True! Keeper Wars is Headed to Anchorage, Alaska!

Keeper Wars Ink is thrilled to bring our National Qualifier, City Tour event to Anchorage, Alaska August 21-22, 2021!

"We have announced Keeper Wars Ink partnering with many great state associations all over the US but to bring this event to the goalkeeper community of The Last Frontier is Jaw dropping to me. Alaska is one of my favorite places i've been blessed to go see and I know I speak for all KWI staff when I say bringing a keeper wars competition to this community is truly special. We can't wait to work with AYSA to bring the limelight to their keepers!"

Casey Clark - Keeper Wars Ink Co-Founder & CEO

"Alaska Youth Soccer is excited to partner with Keeper Wars Ink. Supporting the overall player that stands in front of the net! This is an awesome opportunity for youth goalkeepers to push themselves in competition and unite amongst their peers within our unique Alaskan soccer community.  This will be a fun and exciting experience for players and their families and AYSA is thrilled for our Alaskan grown keepers to have another platform to showcase their talents."

Linda Burke - Alaska Youth Soccer Executive Director

Registration for our City Tour event with Alaska will open March 10th!

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